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Long-Standing Automotive Shop on South Broadway – 1.5x Cash Flow

Asking Price: $124,995
Sales Revenue: $235,720
Cash Flow: $82,638

Business Description

This automotive repair facility is a fantastic, wide-open shop located on the busy South Broadway corridor in Englewood, CO.  It has been in its prime location for over 40 years, now located near a prominent auto parts store as well as being anchored by several automotive dealerships.  The dealership next door has a fleet account that is loyal to the shop and covers the majority of the rent.  A new owner with experienced mechanics could do even more of the fleet than the current owner is able to with the mechanics he has.

Don’t wait to take advantage of this opportunity, take over for a retiring owner, and own a highly reputable automotive shop directly along one of the busiest streets in all of the Denver Metro Area!

Detailed Information

Location: Denver, Colorado
Financing: Cash
Support & Training: As needed for a smooth transition

For more information, please click on ‘Sign NDA & Get Buyers Prospectus’ above. Once the NDA is signed and completed, you will receive confidential information related towards this business.

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Ty Harrington | Authorized Broker

Ty Harrington is an Associate Broker at Business Brokerage Services. He comes from a long line of small business owners and financial experts. As a result, he has a knack for dissecting his client’s financials and establishing realistic price ranges for his client’s businesses.